Our Feeds

Friday, May 02, 2008



I received this via my H/P :

It says :

TAHNIAH, SimCard anda telah berjaya memenangi WANG RM14,000.00. Sila HUBUNGI telefon office ASTRO M'sia. 0062818886322. T.Q.

I called up ASTRO :
This is a HOAX by INDONESIAN number.
Wahhh..my colleagues all also "kena" this SMS. I told ASTRO. They said, DO NOT REPLY to this number. It is a HOAX from INDONESIAN number.

So, to all...
You GET the message here now..

No NEED to call ASTRO to clarify.
Poor ASTRO..I really PITY them. WHO would PLAY such a HOAX..to most citizens.....my goodness !!!

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