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Wednesday, May 07, 2008


We Tak Perlu Speaking Da Ingrish!

Posted by: Yogeswaran Gopala Krishnan

The learning of Science and Maths in English might be scrapped next year. This policy which was introduced in 2003 does not work according to (not surprisingly) the Peninsular Malay Teachers Association. They criticised the programme, saying that not only it did not improve the student's grasp of the language but diminished their performance in the two subjects.
There should be more effort to ensure that the students grasp the English language by having more high quality English lessons.We cannot continually run away from not learning English as in the long term this will severely hamper our competitiveness in the global world.

The level of English in Malaysia can only be described as atrocious judging from the way it is written and spoken by the local university graduates.These local graduates will never be able to survive anywhere else other then in Malaysia. Malaysia do not have enough job opportunities to accomodate the growing number of non English speaking graduates. We will be in trouble soon with high unemployment.

I don't foresee in the near future or even in the far future, the UN Secretary General giving a UN speech in Bahasa Malaysia.
I don't think the US President is going to launch a campaign anytime soon to encourage the US students to learn Bahasa Malaysia in order to be competitive globally.

The Queen of England is not going to be addressing a group of Diplomats in Spain in Bahasa Malaysia.
The Japanese are not going to rewrite their work manuals used in the factories into Bahasa Malaysia.
No matter how much the French hate the English language, they DO know how to speak the language.
Whether we all like it or not and for the good of the nation, everyone should know how to speak and write in English well.
On top of that, our wise Education Minister is proposing the introduction of English Literature in Primary School. We have not even started crawling and our Education Minister wants our poor kids to do the 100m dash.

If the government decides to scrap Science and Maths taught in English, it is digging its own grave. I will not let my children be a victim of such policies.

I will ensure that they learn the English language and learn it well. They already speak English better than their own mother tongue. Even if Malaysia can't provide jobs....they can always work overseas.

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