Monday, July 06, 2015


Food Myths

Durian + Coke = Deadly Poison 

Durian + Alcohol = Death

Durian + Milk = Heart Attack

Durian + Diabetic = Stroke

Durian + Overeating = Heatiness

Durian + Overeating = Constipation


Claim: "A 28-year old Chinese man recently died after eating the exotic stinky fruit called durian. He wasn't killed by eating durian alone, but he died from drinking milk after eating durian. Apparently, there are many rules about what's forbidden when eating the unusual fruit, and unlike other urban myths, they are actually true. The man was on vacation in Thailand where he first ate a lot of durian and then drank a lot of milk (there's no explanation for why he drank milk after eating durian). He then died of a massive heart attack. The report described the poisoning as worse than a snake's venom. It turned out that in Thailand, there's a warning against eating any dairy products within 8 hours of eating durian. You also cannot drink wine or cola. Nor can you eat eggplant. Additionally, diabetic patients are not allowed to eat durian or they could suffer strokes. People who are suffering from the cold, flu, coughing, bronchitis, or too much heat in the body are also advised not to eat durian. If you do eat durian, never overeat it as the fruit can absorb water and expand in your stomach, causing constipation."


1. Durian and Milk/Alcohol/Coke/Egg Plant/Cooling Foods does not have any form of adverse reaction that can trigger or resolve any health problems. These are common myth that are being spread through the media for ages. Durian ice cream is a common dessert, which has milk and durian!

2. Heart attack is caused by a blockage of the artery, as the heart muscle becomes "starved" for oxygen. Durian and Milk/Coke/Eggplant does not have blood clotting effect to cause such an effect.

3. Dietetic & Food Services at Changi General Hospital reported that: "Durians have zero cholesterol and no saturated fats. Cholesterol is found in foods containing saturated fats such as red meats, seafood and dairy products. Durians have heart-healthy monounsaturated fats which help to lower your levels of bad LDL cholesterol." Therefore, it is a heart healthy fruit but moderation is always the key.

4. Dietetic & Food Services at Changi General Hospital reported that: "Eating durians and alcohol at the same time will not kill you. There is no scientific evidence to show that this is a lethal combination. It is more likely to cause bloating, indigestion and discomfort as your liver has to work extra hard to metabolise both fats and sugars in the durians and the alcohol, especially if you have consumed both in excessive amounts."

5. Dietetic & Food Services at Changi General Hospital reported that: "Durians are naturally rich in potassium, dietary fibre, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex. The king of fruits is thus excellent for improving muscle strength and blood pressure, bowel movements and skin health. It also supports the nervous and immune systems, and enhances red blood cell formation."

6. According to conventional Chinese wisdom, a mangosteen / water drank from the durian husk, being a cooling component, will reduce the heatiness associated with durians. However, there is no scientific research to support this. The habit of eating durians and mangosteens together probably stems from the fact that the two fruits are harvested at about the same time.

7. In an animal study conducted by Chua et al. (2008), it was concluded that: to contrary to what some believe, the increase of body temperature caused by the consumption of durian was not significant. However, consuming any food that is nutrient dense will increase the body temperature. There is no strong scientific evidence on whether durian can be termed as "heaty" as many factors are considered in Chinese wisdom to define something as "heaty".