Thursday, July 02, 2015


Azwan Ali’s attitude is unbecoming, says Perak mufti

Dr Harussani Zakaria says Azwan’s Twitter reply was full of ill-intentions and unjustly aimed at someone innocent

KUALA LUMPUR: Azwan Ali’s unnecessary expletive-laden Twitter reply to an unsuspecting follower of his has caught the attention of Perak mufti Dr Harussani Zakaria who has said his attitude, especially during the holy month of Ramadan, was totally unbecoming of a Muslim.

Speaking to Astro Awani about the TV personality’s verbal Twitter attack, he said, “His attitude doesn’t reflect that of a Muslim who is fasting and abstaining himself from committing sins. The fasting month is a month good Muslims are reborn.”

He also remarked that Azwan’s nasty reply was unjust as it was directed at an innocent follower.

“The act of mudslinging especially when unjustly directed at someone is an unbecoming attitude of a Muslim. He did not only accuse unjustly but his remarks were just full of ill-intentions.”

In the Twitter exchange that the mufti was speaking of, Azwan had asked those following him if they knew of a great steakhouse in which he could break fast at.

One follower, going by the handle NurAziraAzWa, replied, “menate” to which Azwan, having taken offence after mistakenly thinking she was calling him an animal using Kelantan slang, lashed back at her, saying, “Sundal, bertudung, paling binatang, menyalak real anjing, puiii puas hati tak neraka?”(Headscarf-wearing bitch, you’re a bigger animal barking like a real dog, puiii, happy in hell?)

Tweeting back at him, NurAziraAzWa asked “@azwanhjali, i means steak house MENATE laaa Divaaaa. Apa ni”, (I meant steak house MENATE laaa Divaaa. What is this?)

Me’nate is a five star steakhouse in Ampang renowned for serving the best steak in Klang Valley.

The mufti advised Azwan instead to ponder on the message in the al-Hujurat verse which clearly advises Muslims to abstain from harbouring ill-feelings towards others.


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