On the evening of 27th December 2007, Ms Benazir Bhutto died due to injuries sustained in a suicide bomb attack on her life. I feel like repeating this to actually believe it. I feel that almost everything within the Pakistani political makeup will change. There is already incident reports of people ransacking offices of political officials, of protestors burning vehicles and the subsequent sense of fear that things will turn for the worse. I, unfortunately, also feel that the same unjust rule, the same all-consuming lust for power, the same indifference that seems to be root cause of everything evil and the same 'wheeling and dealing' associated with the politicians of today will continue unabated.
This death, this tragic, tragic incident will provide more intrigue and more 'play' to what is already happening in the echelons of power in this country. When Liaquat Ali Khan was murdered, General Ayub writes in his autobiography, most of the politicians of the time were immediately looking for ways to fully exploit the vacuum obviously created by a deceased Prime Minister. I do not see why this tragedy will be any different. And that in itself, is a bigger tragedy.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Benazir Bhutto assassinated
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