Malaysiakini has published in Aide alleges sodomy: Report lodged that Anwar Ibrahim has been accused, AGAIN, of sodomy, but this time by his personal aide Saiful Bahari.
According to the Star Online 23-year old Saiful made a police report against Anwar yesterday evening at around 5:45 pm.
Bloke alleged he was sexually assaulted on last Thursday inside a luxury apartment in the city. I wonder why there is a need to describe the apartment as 'luxury'?
He also claimed it was not the first time that Anwar had sexually assaulted him. The Star also reported he is being treated at a hospital in Kuala Lumpur.
KL police chief Muhammad Sabtu Osman confirmed the existence of such a report, and that the alleged victim has been medically examined. But he stated that no arrest will be until the investigation is completed.
Needless to say, the PKR and Pakatan Rakyat people are in turmoil, deep discussions and strategising for the worst outcome. Anwar will hold a press conference today.
However last night or rather, early this morning, at the unholy hour of 1:25am, Anwar issued a press statement asserting the report lodged against him was a complete fabrication.
His statement in full (from Malaysiakini):
"The police report lodged against me earlier today is a complete fabrication. I believe we are witnessing a repeat of the methods used against me in 1998 when false allegations were made under duress. This is clearly a desperate attempt by the Barisan Nasional regime to arrest the movement of the Malaysian people towards freedom, democracy and justice.
"The report has been organised by interested parties to attack me in retaliation for evidence I have recently obtained implicating IGP (inpector-general of police) Musa Hassan and the AG (attorney-general) Gani Patail in misconduct including fabrication of evidence in the cases launched against me in 1998-1999. This vile attack will not prevent me from releasing this dossier to the public.
"I urge the Malaysian people to stand against the repressive forces that will be unleashed by the government in the coming days and weeks. We expect the media, the judiciary and the police force to all come under the direct and unchecked control of the executive.
"My fellow Malaysians - we took a bold step forward on March 8 towards a new dawn for freedom and justice for all of our citizens. This people's movement for change must go on with all of our strength and conviction."
kaytee’s take:
I personally don’t believe the allegations against Anwar, unless of course he is completely mad and utterly stupid, which I know he isn’t.
However, I am not surprised. I believe it’s a tit for tat attack, to put Anwar and his supporters on the defensive.
UMNO has been under siege from Anwar and his cohorts for the last 4 months where the de facto one has been attempting to destabilise the AAB government through a virtually continuous taunting campaign on party defections, quite irresponsible cheap shots at the government's removal of more fuel subsidy, and a series of unsubstantiated attacks on Najib, etc.
Sometimes the best form of defence is attack, and I believe the sodomy accusation is just that. The aim is to take the wind out of Anwar’s sail, to put him on the defensive, to derail his destabilising campaign.
So, the optimum attack would be to use a tested formula, that of tarring Anwar with the evils of sodomising assaults.
Afterall, apart from some Malaysians still harbouring suspicions against Anwar on the issue of sodomy, many like to believe such bullsh*t. There is a willing audience just waiting to be captives to such salacious rumours, rendered more plausible by a police report being lodged by Anwar's own aide.
Whether Anwar really has the dirt on Patail and the current IGP is still unknown but it could well be his reactive counter attack as well, to explain why the police report has been made.
In reality, there is a dearth, nay, absence of credibility on both sides. Both parties are favourably inclined towards mud racking bullsh*t - basically scumbag territory. Mana adanya mentali Dunia Pertama di politik Malaysia?
As an example, the series of attacks on Najib, ranging from highly publicised rumours to fake photo on an alleged French dinner to the recent tap dancing ('I have been reliably informed ...') Statutory Declaration about Rosmah being at the murder scene to ‘supervise’ or be ‘completely satisfied’ with the laying of C4 on Altantuyaa (as if she knew what was technically acceptable or she even wanted to turun padang) had been so farfetched and highly implausible to most people except the PKR ‘true believers’.
Many also seem to forget that there is a court case on the murder of Altantuyaa in progress, with 3 accused under trial, but WTF, they aren’t politically important. So the campaign has been to get Najib implicated in the murder, one way or another!
As I said, I am not surprised by the stakes being raised. The players on both sides are jacking up the ante. And the strategy of the play?
The Malaysian old time favourite of “Fling enough poo and surely some will stick”.
Coincidentally, in my satirical post Statuesque Declaration, an Anon said:
"KT, can Anwar be at better place other than Mongolia, perhaps an honorary ambassador to US but stationed in California or Louisiana, can join the annual Mardi Gra[s] maa ..."
I replied: "look Anon of 11:08 PM, tho' I am known as a critic of Anwar I only do so on the basis of his track record, performance, conduct and policies/promises as a politician and a public figure, but not his private life or what he was alleged to be - I have never nor will ever use that to rubbish him."
And to conclude, I don’t believe in the sodomy allegations against Anwar Ibrahim in the same manner that I don’t believe in the contents of RPK’s Statutory Declaration.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Sodomy allegations against Anwar Ibrahim
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