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Monday, June 23, 2008


Mat Rempits rule Malaysian Roads

Posted by: fairviewfromfar

It is so sad to acknowledge that those Mat Rempits rule Malaysian Roads without any fear for the police. Why? Only recently I found out after chatting with few friends of mine, Mat Rempits are fearless and have no respect for anyone. They are high on drugs.

But who are they and why do they behave like that? They are a group of restless youth and their background are NOT of those uneducated people. Some are executives, son of successful businessmen, son of Datuks and many son of policeman. I recall an incident when the father caughta Mat Rempit, happened to be his son and he let him go (with disappointment I hope).
We always read that after a night of operations, the police will confiscate the bikes, but after the "you know what transaction happen" those Mat Rempits are on the roads again endangering others. Can the authority be firm enough to take the bike away for goods? No Bike, No Mat Rempit.

All major cities in Malaysia are no longer safe. Sorry, Kuala Lumpur's safety is far worst than Jakarta or Manila. Mat Rempit should be put into jail, cancel their license and take away their bikes... for good.

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