Subject: I was robbed at Petaling Street on Tuesday evening
I was at a souvenir shop at Jalan H.S.Lee, Petaling Street on Tuesday evening 5Oct 2006.
A young Indian lady told me that there's a stain on my pants.
(The young Indian is around 20-25 yrs old, long hair, about 160cm tall, her skin is quite fair, she's wearing t-shirt & jeans and she's speaking very fluent English.)
I turned back and checked and found out that there's a red stain looked like paint on my pants.
So, this lady helped me to clear the stain from my pants. After that, I continue looking for soft toy in the shop.
Then, the lady asked me whether I want to clean the stain. I rejected her offer and told her that I'm going back home and I can clean it at home.
After that, she told me that she was a teacher at a famous tuition center in KL just opposite the shop and she's waiting for her brother.

So, I followed her to the toilet to clean the stain on my pants.
She brought me to the ladies at the 1st floor of the tuition center. I took off my bag and put it on the basin so that I can clean the stain on my pants.
While I was cleaning, she took my bag and ran away.
Everything was just happened in 3 minutes. I was so shock when I found out my bag and the lady was gone.
The young Indian lady left her things in the toilet and ran away with my bag.
I searched through her belongings and found a lipstick in the envelope she left.
Then, I realized that she's the one who put the red lipstick stain on my pants and pretended to help me.
I went to the tuition center together with the police officer for investigation on the next day.
I was able to recognize the young Indian lady from the CCTV record. The security head of the tuition center told me that I am the 2nd victim.
5 months ago, the same young Indian lady did the same case using same method at the same place to 1 of the student in the tuition center.
During the investigation, I was told that to print out the young Indian lady's photo from the CCTV costs RM150.
The tuition center wanted me to bear the printing cost because I'm neither a staff nor a student there. I refused to bear the cost because I am the victim.
I asked the police officer whether the police force can bear the cost because it's an evidence.
Guess what the police officer told me…
He told me not to put too much hope that they will be able to catch the thief, 70%-80% that they will not be able to catch the thief.
With all the evidence provided (the CCTV record, the thief's belongings, and her finger print was printed on the envelope she left), the police officer told me not to put too much hope that they will be able to catch the thief.
I was so disappointed.
So, I decided to share my experience to everyone of you. Hopefully you will not be the next victim because the thief is still free out there.
This is her 2nd successful case, so there will be 3rd time and so on until she's caught.
The police officer told me that such cases always happen at Bukit Bintang and Low Yat Plaza area.
So, pls be careful when you are at that area and trust no one.
Just ignore and walk away when a stranger tells you that your clothes is dirty.
Pls share my experience to your friends and family especially ladies.
Hopefully your friends and family will not be the next victim.